

Reid A, Neophytou D, Levy R, Oviedo HV 2024. biorxiv


Neophytou D, Arribas DM, Arora T, Levy RB, Park IM, Oviedo H 2022. PLOS Biology


Recurrent connectivity underlies lateralized temporal processing differences in Auditory Cortex

Neophytou D, Arribas D, Levy R, Park IM, Oviedo H 2021. BioRxiv

Effects of direct current stimulation on synaptic plasticity in a single neuron

Farahani F, Kronberg G, FallahRad M, Oviedo HV, Parra LC 2021. Brain Stimulation: j.brs.2021.03.001


Neophytou D, Oviedo HV 2020. Frontiers in Neural Circuits: fncir.2020.00002.


Levy RB, Marquarding T, Reid AP, Pun CM, Renier N, Oviedo HV 2019. Nature: s41467-019-10690-3.

2017 and Earlier

Connectivity motifs of inhibitory neurons in the mouse Auditory Cortex

Oveido HV 2017. Nature: s41598-017-16904-2.

Long-term Cre-mediated retrograde tagging of neurons using a novel recombinant pseudorabies virus

Oyibo HK, Znamenskiy P, Oviedo HV, Enquist LW, Zador AM. 2014. Frontiers Neuroanatomy: fnana.2014.00086.

Integration of Subthreshold and Suprathreshold Excitatory Barrages along the Somatodendritic Axis of Pyramidal Neurons

Oviedo HV, Reyes AD. 2012. PLoS ONE: 10.1371/journal.pone.0033831.

PTEN Regulation of Local and Long-Range Connections in Mouse Auditory Cortex

Xiong Q, Oviedo HV, Trotman LC, Zador AM 2012. Journal of Neuroscience: JNEUROSCI.4480-11.2012

The functional asymmetry of auditory cortex is reflected in the organization of local cortical circuits

Oviedo HV, Bureau I, Svoboda K, Zador AM 2010. Nat Neurosci: nn.2659

Variation of Input-Output Properties along the Somatodendritic Axis of Pyramidal Neurons

Oviedo HV, Reyes AD 2005. JNeurosci

Boosting of neuronal firing evoked with asynchronous and synchronous inputs to the dendrite

Oviedo HV, Reyes AD 2002. Nat Neurosci: nn.807